Wow, This Beautiful Forest Hidden in The Lower Deserts

Wow, This Beautiful Forest Hidden in The Lower Deserts | The desert is an area that receives little rainfall and are considered to have little ability to support life, because the desert is arid, barren and dry.

However, there are amazing things that happen on this earth. In the Maghreb, Morocco, there is a forest located in the basement of the desert. Yes, the forest is a forest with trees that flourish under the darkness of the desert land.

Wow, This Beautiful Forest Hidden in The Lower Deserts

A study conducted by Professor Michael Petraglia of the University of Oxford in the desert of the Arabian Peninsula in 2012 and found this amazing. Under the desert turns havoc hidden network of rivers and vast forests. This indicates that this area had previously been occupied by a variety of life, both the organism and flora.

Quoted from page University of Oxford, the study titled Scientists Explore an Ancient Network of Rivers and Lakes in the Arabian Desert. Even Professor Michael Petraglia participating in the excavations under the desert sands to determine and ascertain the cause of the existence of tropical life in the area thousands of years ago.

Wow, This Beautiful Forest Hidden in The Lower Deserts

Not only that, he also analyzes the reasons why life can vanish and then changed into a barren desert area after memililiki wealth of water resources, human population, animals, and plants. This research is handled by the observation team during the process of accumulating more information about this area.

Wow, This Beautiful Forest Hidden in The Lower Deserts

Scientists say that the discovery of Professor Michael Petraglia is very important, it is to determine the nature of life in the desert of the Arab Maghreb, how processes evolve human life there, as well as the causes of human migration and its relationship with climate and its changes.

Wow, This Beautiful Forest Hidden in The Lower Deserts

Scientific facts prove that the Arabian Desert previously overgrown by sharing plants with water sources that are around it. Scientists are also trying to predict the future of the region.

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