todayunique | Emmy-winning television series and a Golden Globe Award, Game of Thrones, has entered a new phase with the story more suspenseful. Many unique facts about the film adaptation of the fantasy novel works Geroge R.R. Martin. Here are the facts about the Game of Thrones:
1.Talisa Maegyr
7 Facts Should Know By Fan Game of Thrones |
Played by Oona Chaplin who is the grandson of legendary actor Charlie Chaplin. Talisa be the main character in the third season.
2. Tommy Dunne
7 Facts Should Know By Fan Game of Thrones |
The figure who designed the thousands of weapons in the film Game Of Thrones. He did extensive research on the culture of Egypt, America, and the Mongols, in search of inspiration. The weapons were usually made of resin.
3. Catelyn Stark
7 Facts Should Know By Fan Game of Thrones |
Also playing in the Harry Potter films as the mother of Hermione.
4. Sibel Kekilli
7 Facts Should Know By Fan Game of Thrones |
German porn actress who was using the name Dilara.
5. Game of Thrones
7 Facts Should Know By Fan Game of Thrones |
It almost became a movie franchise and not a television series. However R.R George Martin, the author, decided not to translate the story into the silver screen because it is so complex and lengthy storyline.
6. Maisie Williams
7 Facts Should Know By Fan Game of Thrones |
Plays Arya Stark had never played the movie. Game of Thrones is the first experience of acting collided. In this film Williams got an important role and become one of the main characters in the fourth season.
7. There are only 3 people on earth who know the ending game of thrones
7 Facts Should Know By Fan Game of Thrones |
Mentioned that there were only three people on this earth who knows the ending of the story of Game of Thrones. Considering the age of 65 years Martin who stepped on, and the story he wrote endless. There were two people who were given the mandate of Martin about the story of the end of the drama, which David Benioff and Weiss D.B who became director of the series.
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