This Will Happen If No Science of Physics

This Will Happen If No Science of Physics | Science of physics is the science that is very important in human life. But unfortunately many people avoid this science for reasons difficult to learn. Earlier times, physics be excellent for some genius. An example is when Albert Einstein discovered the theory of relativity, he suddenly became a celebrity figure known to many people. So what happened with today? Only a few are like this science. Though physics is the science that is very fundamental and underlies nearly all of today's advanced technology areas?

Now I will try to review what if physics does not exist? Here's his review:

1. World total darkness (Not Know Electric)

This will Happen If No Science of physics

Today almost all areas of electrical facilities. If we see before modern civilization, the world at night is very dark. However, after the discovery of electricity by scientists of physics, it is now the world at night could be bright. Not only that, the electricity needs today are very important in human life to meet the needs of others.

2. Internet Only Myth

This will Happen If No Science of physics

The most important thing today is the internet. Almost everyone today is highly dependent on the internet. The internet is strongly influenced by signals or electromagnetic waves. Imagine if scientists are not trying to solve the old days electromagnetic waves. What happens now?

3. Will Never Know What It's TV and Radio

This will Happen If No Science of physics

Similar to the internet, television and radio are very influenced by electromagnetic waves. Scientists physics plays an important role in the creation of television and radio broadcasts. In television we know the term wave UHF and VHF which are important materials in the world of physics.

4. Will be Like Now's Advanced Vehicle

This will Happen If No Science of physics

One of the contributions of physics to civilization is the invention of cars, motorcycles and aircraft. Physics be created and the basic sciences for the birth of such vehicles. Many applications in the world of physics concepts underlying engine applications built on the motor until the aircraft engine. From the start of the relationship wheel until carnot cycle.

5. The development of Industry Will be Very Slow

This will Happen If No Science of physics

Besides holding important in the world of vehicles, physics memengang also very vital role in the industrial world. Since the invention of the steam engine, the industrial world growing very rapidly and move from human labor into mechanical power. In the industrial world own a lot of equipment that uses the basic concepts of physics.

6. The medical world will not flourish

This will Happen If No Science of physics

Since the physics discovered and developed, the medical world was evolved. The discovery of X-rays, EKG, microscopes and others, the medical world is becoming more advanced than ever before. The tools are born from the concept of physics that have been found by the physicists.

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