Cool, Look Painting Famous Personalities Who Painted Lips With It

Cool, Look Painting Famous Personalities Who Painted Lips With It - Painting is one way to express themselves. Many unusual way of painting done by famous painters in the world. A wide variety of media and devices was performed as an object of experimentation to produce paintings of cool. Like the paintings below are painted lips.

Cool, Look Painting Famous Personalities Who Painted Lips With It

If the general lipstick used by women to beautify the lips that look more attractive, not so with this one painter. He uses lipstick not only to beautify the appearance alone, but also to produce a very beautiful painting with a brush seal lip.

Lipstick Lex Facebook account owner, Alexis Fraser has a lot to upload works paintings painted with different lipstick smeared on her lips. Not only red lipstick is used by artists woman from Toronto, Canada, the other colors such as blue and plum also used in producing works of painting of the cool lips.

Cool, Look Painting Famous Personalities Who Painted Lips With It

Here are some works by his paintings. One of them is the famous character of origin, namely the United Kingdom Lady Diana:

Cool, Look Painting Famous Personalities Who Painted Lips With It

Cool, Look Painting Famous Personalities Who Painted Lips With It

Cool, Look Painting Famous Personalities Who Painted Lips With It

Cool, Look Painting Famous Personalities Who Painted Lips With It

Cool, Look Painting Famous Personalities Who Painted Lips With It

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