Jammie Jamieson, Beauty Pilot Fighter F-22 Raptor stealth America

Jammie Jamieson, Beauty Pilot Fighter F-22 Raptor stealth America - Jammie Jamieson rank of captain to be the only woman in the world today that is able to control the fighter jet F-22 Raptor stealth America. The woman who was born in Tacoma started training flights at the Air Force Academy in 1996.

Jammie Jamieson, Beauty Pilot Fighter F-22 Raptor stealth America

Once done there, he was stationed at Elmendorf Air Force Base with the rank of commander of low mobility for 525 Fighter Squadron.

Jammie Jamieson, Beauty Pilot Fighter F-22 Raptor stealth America

His desire to become a pilot first appeared when he was invited to sit in the cockpit of a Cessna 172 by his uncle during a local flight around the city of Washington. Whereas before it Jamieson has ideals wanted to be an astronaut, but he chose to enter the Air Force Academy because there he had connections on these ideals.

Jammie Jamieson, Beauty Pilot Fighter F-22 Raptor stealth America

Jamieson graduated in 2000 with a Master's degree in public policy in national security and the political economy of F. John Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. In 2002, he had completed the basic course of the F-15C at Tyndall AFB, the FIA. After 3 years in Alaska, he completed the transition to the F-22A in Tyndall.

Jammie Jamieson, Beauty Pilot Fighter F-22 Raptor stealth America

Being a pilot is not easy, Jamieson regular exercise for hours every week, and he said it was an honor to fly stealth fighter like the F-22 Raptor.

Jammie Jamieson, Beauty Pilot Fighter F-22 Raptor stealth America

"This is a challenging and exciting experience every day. Air-to-air combat is very fluid and always changing," said Jamieson.

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