Grandpa's Troubled Have Money Coin Weighing 1,500 kg

Whoever the person must have in everyday life will still need money to buy what they want. If most people prefer the money sheets are easy and convenient to carry anywhere, unlike a china grandfather's origin being upset because too many have coins with a weight of 1,500 kilograms.
Grandpa's troubled Have Money Coin Weighing 1,500 kg
Grandpa's troubled Have Money Coin Weighing 1,500 kg
Money Receh It is so far collected by the old man of the results of his efforts trying. But that makes him confused, turns now to redeem a dime so difficult that he often rejected by the bank to exchange currency dime into sheets. The poor grandfather identified as Zhang, the man from Zhengzhou, central Henan Province, China.

As quoted from page sebatasberita ECNs, Zhang is now being confused with all the coins (coins) that he had to weigh about 1,500 kilograms and amount to 300,000 yuan. Zhang time to change money recehnya with paper money in one bank, a lot of the Bank were immediately rejected because it was too much.
Grandpa's troubled Have Money Coin Weighing 1,500 kg
Grandpa's troubled Have Money Coin Weighing 1,500 kg
Zhang said that if the coins that he had it collected about 2 months from the services of a washing machine which he operated by means of coins or coins, in addition, POM Gasoline hers was he operated using coins. Suddenly alone, Zhang was until now still upset'll Money Receh Weighing 1,500 Kilograms of hers that.

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